Obrázky gogle


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Obrázky gogle

Google Images

obrázky gogle
Googles popularity spread around the globe. In May 2000, they released several versions of Google, including ten new languages.

Fotky Google – všetky vaše fotky, usporiadané a ľahko

Google began offering stock shares to the public to be purchased on Wall Street. They initially offered over 19 million shares.


obrázky gogle
Přihlášení – účty Google

Google Maps

Všetky vaše fotky sú bezpečne zálohované, usporiadané a automaticky označené, takže ich rýchlo nájdete a môžete ich zdieľať, ako chcete.


obrázky gogle
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were college students at Stanford University. They met and became friends when Brin was assigned to show Larry around campus.


Google was named one of the top places to work in the country. In an effort to do all they could for employees, they began the "gbikes" program, providing bicycles for a healthy, efficient way for their employees to come to work.

Google Photos - All your photos organized and easy to find

Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.


Companies had been using web advertising for a few years, but Google revamped their AdWords offering with a new advertising idea. They incorporated a cost-per-click pricing that allowed companies to earn money every time someone clicked an ad.

Fotky Google – Všechny vaše fotky, uspořádané a snadno

Google was awarded accolades by both users and experts. They were given the Webby Awards: Technical Achievement, and the Peoples Voice.

Google Images

Ve Fotkách Google najdete všechny své fotky a videa. Jsou tu automaticky uspořádané a můžete je snadno sdílet. – „Nejlepší služba na fotky na světě“ – Verge – „Z Fotek Google se stala nejlepší aplikace pro práci s fotkami“ – Wired Oficiální aplikace Fotky Google jde s dobou a má skvělé funkce jako sdílená alba, automatické výtvory a pokročilé

Obrázky Google

obrázky gogle
Google Images. The most comprehensive image search on the web.


obrázky gogle
Googles expansion exploded at an unheard of rate. In 2003 they bought Blogger, a hugely successful platform; introduced Google Grants to help non-profit organizations; and started Google Print, which became Google Books.


Google Maps was a way for people to take live satellite looks at various places around the world. They eventually added Google Earth which enhanced these capabilities.

Google Photos - All your photos organized and easy to find

Fotky Google Nechte si všechny své vzpomínky zdarma uložit a automaticky uspořádat. Přejít na Fotky Google U nás jsou vaše vzpomínky v bezpečí Můžete zdarma zálohovat neomezený

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